Developer's team news

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Planned system maintenance Feb 10, 2025

On Monday, Feb 10, 2025, from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m., searching in application will be temporarily unavailable.
Thank you for your patience


Your personal content has been successfully transferred to the new version of Manuscriptorium!

Did you create favourite items, virtual documents, or collections in the old Manuscriptorium?

Old Manuscriptorium – Personal Content

Your personal content can now be found in the new Manuscriptorium!


Downtime of services on Wednesday (11.9.2019)

There will be a planned downtime of services on Semptember 11, 2019, from 13:00 to 15:00. Some services may not be available. Thank you for understanding.


On 5 November 2024, support for the personal content in the old catalogue expires

On Tuesday, 5 November 2024, your personal content will be converted into the new version of the catalogue. The personal content created in the old version will not be transferred after this date (read more here)!


Planned maintenance of the system (April 16th-18th, 2018)

From Monday, April 16th, 2018 to Wednesday, April 18th, 2018, it is to be expected short-term interruptions in availability of the system due to planned system maintenance. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Tutorial 03 - How to view a selected record

The third video tutorial for the new version of the Manuscriptorium explains ‘How to View a Selected Record’, how many display formats are available and where to find a persistent link to a document.


Tutorial 02 - How to search

The second video tutorial is a brief guide on ‘How to Search’ in the Digital Library. It provides a demonstration of how to search the database quickly and simply, including instructions on how to specify your queries and use filters.


Tutorial 01 - How to Access the Digital Library

We are bringing you the first video tutorial of our series prepared for the new version of the Manuscriptorium. The tutorial ‘How to Access the Digital Library’ will show you not only how to access the Digital Library but also what you can find in it.
