Early Printed Books from the National Technical Library

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The National Technical Library provided access to nine early printed books in 2018. The earliest of them is the Italian translation of Euclid’s work printed in Venice in 1585 (A 232); the treatise on trigonometry by Georg Friedrich Meyer containing numerous woodcuts (A 241) comes from Basel from 1678. The other printed books come from the 18th century, mostly from Germany and one from Italy. In terms of content, they are texts on mathematics but also presentations of inventions for entertainment.


List of documents

Eukleidés: Euclide ... diligentemente rassettato et alla integrità ridottoA 232; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Georg Friedrich Meyer: Doctrina triangulorum sive TrigonometriaA 241; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Cubische Ausrechnungs-Tabellen viereckigter und runder BäumeA 253; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Johann Andreas von Segner: Elementorum analyseos infinitorum pars II (Cursus mathematicus, pars IV)A 204 system number: 614417; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Johann Christoph Sturm: Mathesis juvenilis, der erste TeilA 208 system number: 612600; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
André Tacquet: Arithmeticae theoria et praxisA 216; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko

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